Developments in environmental protection and the resulting environmental provisions pose new challenges to farmers. They need to meet the new requirements and still secure the economic viability of their farms. The use of special plastic components is necessary to be able meet these challenges as easily and successfully as possible. The products offered
A wide variety of industrial applications require substantial amounts of cooling water for cooling all kinds of processes. There are several ways to provide this cooling water and they often involve a significant cost in energy. One inexpensive and very economical method is cooling by using cooling towers. Cooling towers also make it possible to provide large amounts
In the process of treating drinking water, it is often pumped from significant depths, to be channelled into the public drinking water network after treatment. One of the first stages of treatment is CO2 saturation of the water, which reduces the pH value. Neutralising towers are used for this purpose.
In order to meet increasingly tough environmental provisions, many industrial areas have to purify air pollutants before they are emitted into the atmosphere. Wet scrubbers, absorption systems, trickle bed reactors or biowashers are frequently used for this purpose. The efficiency of these systems is also greatly influenced by the packing materials and droplet
Aquaculture is becoming increasingly important in meeting the ever-increasing demand for fish and in protecting natural stocks. Nowadays, systems with closed circuits are increasingly used for aquaculture because their impact on the environment is limited and the water that is pumped into the circuit is treated. Biofilters are among the options for water